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Plughz® Powered By Gladiator Equine
Plughz® Powered By Gladiator Equine
Plughz® Powered By Gladiator Equine

Plughz® Powered By Gladiator Equine incorporate our patented SemiCera® technology to enhance behavioral compliance in horses.

Horses have large rigid muscles, but their sensory feedback is greater than in humans. When placed in the ears, Plughz® use ambient heat from the animal to passively activate the embedded far-infrared ceramics. The subsequent emitted photons stimulate the cerebellum, which in turn affects the body-to-brain messaging. This increases the inhibitory response, calming the proreceptive neck muscles where they connect to the skull. The more relaxed the horse is, the greater compliance to commands the owner will see.

Starting at





SKU: PLUGHZ Category:

Note: Financing Available at Checkout.


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